Informational-educational campaign in Kindergarten "First of June" in Branishte village, Dobrichka municipality
Informational-educational campaign in Kindergarten "First of June" in Branishte village, Dobrichka municipality

The children from the Kindergarten "First of June" in the village of Branishte got to know the noble profession of the brave, dedicated and fearless firefighters.
Information about project activities
The children from the Kindergarten "First of June" in the village of Branishte got to know the noble profession of the brave, dedicated and fearless firefighters.
The project aims to improve and ensure the effective management of joint emergency interventions in the Calarasi-Dobrich area, to increase the coordination and effectiveness of authorities in joint early warning and to reduce the negative effects of natural and other disasters, in line with policies and EU guidelines.
9300 DOBRICH, 20 "Nezavisimost" Str., BULGARI
Phone: 058/600889